
You write with them, you draw with them, you break them, you lose them. Thats crayons for you but what you do with them is up to you, what ever you do with them its right because there isn’t a wrong with crayons.

That is if you draw like some really bad things than thats wrong but other wise you’re right.


Last week my cousin died, she was only 20 years old. When I first heard about it I noticed how much pain and suffering is in this world. I would walk by people I dont know and I would wonder, are they in pain.

I cant imagine living through all the pain of this world. And I’ve learned something very valuable from this tragedy. With or without them, life goes on.

Writting different

The writter sat at his desk trying to think of ways to write differently. I was stuck, I couldn’t think if a way to write differently than I normally do. Thats when the writter had an apifony, what if he wrote in multiple perspectives.

That is a great idea I though, ive never seen someone do that before. The witter immediately got to work, writting a short story about a writter who decided to write differently.


What do hats represent us? Some it represents that we have bad taste in fashion. It can also get you beat up depending on what is on the hat, some times it can get you love. That’s more rare than the other two. But hats are a reflection of you so make sure it looks good.

What makes us different from robots

50 years ago a man could say that there can’t be a God because there can’t be something that knows everything. Well 50 years later, we created one. What makes us different from robots and machines, that is complicated. If a robot believes that it is a human, does it?

What makes us human? Is it that we are alive. But what makes us alive? Is it because we have a heart beat or is it because of the experiences we have in our lives? Because if it was that than robots are humans. But are they?

Love is like skydiving

When you go skydiving your mindset is what either makes you enjoy the experience or hate it, same with love. When you get on the plane the journey up is the either the most exciting part of the worst, just like love. Then the door opens and you realize this is going to happen, you look out and see death below and you dont wanna jump but thats what you came here to do, just like love.

You jump and you are floating, at that moment you finally know the scary part was the jump not the fall, just like love. Now the falling is unpredictable, the only thing keeping you alive is that parachute but if you pull it too soon you won’t enjoy the fall as much, but if you pull it too late you can get severely injured, just like love.

And if you don’t pull it at all, you would be splatted across the ground, just like love. But if you do it right and land perfectly you have a greater appreciation for the ground, just like love.

What makes nothing?

If you look in the dictionary, nothing will have a definition but its wrong. As soon as you try to explain or make sense of nothing, you’re making it something. How do can you know this by truly being alone for once, and I was once afraid of being alone but I realized that being alone actually gives you more of a sense of company.

Nothing is whats going to follow you for the rest of your life, and there is nothing better than doing nothing so why should you be afraid of it.

How do you know if she’s right for you?

Ive seen friends who have asked me that question, and it varies time to time. But the answer I almost always give the same answer. If you are doing anything, you do want to do it with her?

Now this is so critical to knowing if she or he is right for you is actually very simple. What you do in your free or not free time is how you enjoy or not enjoy yourself and if she or he is there it can make it better or for the worse. For an example, watching a movie. That’s an easy one but what if I asked you if you would like if he or she laid in bed next to you. Would you want him or her to be there?

Now go through every scenario you are in every single day. And yes count the weird ones. Then think to yourself do you want him or her with you, count it up and divide the answer into to categories. If you have all for the normal side but not alot for the sensitive weird side that he or she is just a friend. If you have it for both than you are in love with that person because you can’t have the weird side all filled in and not the normal side. That is unless you’re weird.

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